A celebration of design inspired by Nature.


Laura Méndez, creative directress at Menta was invited to write the foreword of the newish book Flora & Fauna, by Viction:ary
As a celebration of Earth's Day, we found it was the perfect time to share with you our very first journal post.

> If you'd like to buy the book, here's the route.



There are flowers for those who want to see them.
— Henri Matisse.


When I was asked to write the foreword of Viction:ary’s Flora & Fauna, I was so flattered to dedicate the first words of such a curated collection of projects from around the globe. Like a blooming flower in the deep forest. I recognized some of the selected projects, and instantly observed how flora and fauna could be interpreted in so many rich ways, never dull. I was curious to imagine the type of surroundings or personal memories related to Nature, from the studio members or the designers, to create a specific branding or artwork.



From flamboyant and lush Nature to subtle hues and naive patterns, every single case study brings a contemporary vision on a theme that has always been a source of inspiration of man and womankind. Nature is all around us and at the same time, is us. We are part of a bigger living system than just humans living in ecosystems. Nature always makes you reconnect with your inner self. There’s something about the grand waves, the amazing orchid, the leaves with fresh rain, the sudden breeze, or the impossible designs of animals of all kinds, that deepens your kindness and sense of awe. It is fascinating to look at Nature as an abundant source of magic and curiosity.


Since I founded Menta, in the summer of 2008, I’ve been strongly guided by intuition, especially when it comes to decision making as a Creative Directress. An enlightening intelligence —maybe Mother Nature’s voice? that is actually
very necessary in the creative process. Isn’t it funny how you just know when a piece of work, is right?


We feel very fortunate to be able to select purposeful people behind great projects, to work with. It was certainly result of many hard work summers and winters. This paced seasons, enabled us to specialize in working for brands that offer natural products and processes. Perhaps it was because I grew up in a tropical beach town of the Pacific, that I was immediately attracted to work with nature as inspiration, integrating bits of it into our work without noticing it. In the end, we like to think it is one of our signature features as a studio. Paired with a sip of nostalgia typography wise, our work aims to create timeless identities that balance classic and contemporary aesthetics.


While there have been a lot of ways to create boards of graphic references digitally, I’ve found that a printed image allows a more intimate thought, a closer feel. Hopefully, this book will be a picnic basket for picking up bits of Nature’s playground.


For the younglings in design, I recommend to fetch a cup of nice tea or coffee, grab your favorite sketch book, and get lost in the several languages that the most talented studios in the world offer as a feast. Sometimes a vast
universe is the starting point to defining the core of a new project. It could be overwhelming at first, not knowing where a creative direction is heading. Though it’s normal to feel lost in the thunderstorm ideas that come to the mind, it is very rewarding when the first rays of light start to arise. Exciting things happen when you explore and let yourself think-write-draw, inspired by other minds. Think of a cloudy sky with light slowly peeping through! I hope that emerging creatives find not only visual inspiration in Nature, but also, in the patterns, slow timing and rhythms found anywhere. From the wild outdoors, to the humble flower in a sidewalk.



Menta works in branding and packaging projects for natural brands, ethically produced goods, gourmet foods, and hospitality projects, all around the globe, from Mexico to the United States, Europe and Middle East.